Join Customer Service Campaign

We have a number of programs, please register to access them


Customer Service – Discussions with CEOs and Managers

Most managers know that the future survival of their organisations depends on customer service experience. If customers are satisfied with the service, they will tell others thus promoting the organisation. Happy customers are moving billboards while unhappy customers are dangerous because they de-campaign organisations where customer experiences are bad.


Customer Service – Discussions with Government and NGO Staff

There is a tendency to think that customer service is for only staff in business organisations. Government institutions and NGOs also have customers, i.e. the people they are mandated to serve. Therefore public and NGO staff should offer good customer service and also care for people they are supposed to serve.  However some government and NGO officials are rude, inefficient and they project the “I don’t care” attitude. This is poor customer service.


Customer Service – Front Office Coaching

The front office staff are the immediate contact with the customers or clients when they visit an organisation. They include, receptionists, executive assistants, personal assistants, secretaries, customer service consultants, sales people, fuel pump attendants, shop attendants, supermarket attendants, cashiers, bank teller staff……


Customer Service Coaching – Tourism and Hospitality Staff

In the tourism and hospitality industry, customer service is one of the main functions that promote the industry. Customers in the industry include; tourists, hotel and restaurant guests, travellers, entertainment and festival goers and the like. In the tourism and hospitality industry, there are Do’s and Don’ts that every staff is expected to observe and adhere to.


Customer Service – SMEs Staff Coaching

Most countries are economically developed because of the growth of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). SMEs offer great employment opportunities to many people in every country. On the other hand, most big companies started as SMEs. However, most staff of SMEs are not good at customer service, mainly due to lack of training.  We need to note that customer service is the main business and marketing tool that SMEs use to promote their businesses and organisations.


Customer Service – Discussions with Educational Institutions and Schools

There is a tendency to think that customer service is for only staff in business organisations. Educational Institutions and Schools also have customers, i.e. the students, parents/guardians and sponsors. Therefore Educational Institutions and Schools should offer good customer service and also care for people they are supposed to serve.  However some teachers in the Educational Institutions and Schools, despite the training they get in colleges forget that students, parents/guardians and sponsors are their main customers.
